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Mountain City Fiddlers Convention

Convention Competition Rules

Please take a few moments to read through our convention competition rules. You can also download and print a copy for your convenience. We will only have same-day registration. Visit our website often and follow our Facebook page for the latest updates!

Competition fee: $20 per category             CASH/DEBIT & CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED

Time to show off that talent!

  1. Registration opens at 8:00 am and closes 10 minutes prior to the preceding category.

  2. The schedule for the day will be free flowing dependent upon the number of competitors.

  3. Must be two or more contestants to hold the category.

  4. Contestants will perform in the order in which they sign up.

  5. Contestants can compete in as many categories as desired.

  6. There will be a separate entrance fee for each category. The entrance fee is $20 per category.

  7. A band must have at least four contestants but no more than six.

  8. All band members must be registered contestants in at least one individual category.

  9. Contestants can only be in one band.

  10. There is no genre stipulation on the band category.

  11. Junior categories are 17 and under.

  12. Junior Band can only consist of only 17 and under contestants.

  13. If a junior contestant decides to move to an adult category, they will not be allowed to compete in both.

  14. Contestants shall present their entry number at the start to the Emcee and have it visibly displayed.

  15. Judges are unknown and lobbying is not permitted.

  16. Contestants are not allowed in the auditorium unless they have also purchased a spectator ticket.

  17. No Sheet Music allowed during the contestants' performance.

  18. Prize checks will be issued in the name of the individual or band representative.

  1. Bluegrass and Old-time Band will compete together.

  2. Individual and Band judging are separate and distinct. Contestants performing with a band will not be judged individually while with the band.

  3. Bands will perform two songs: one instrumental and one vocal.

  4. Song selection shall be traditional.

  5. Song selection should be relayed to the Emcee at the start of each category.

  6. Individual contestants can be accompanied by no more than two rhythm instruments.

  7. All songs performed shall be kept to three minutes in length or less.

  8. Electric, electronic, wind and percussion are not permitted. 

  9. In the event of a broken string, contestants will be permitted to re-string the instrument and replay the tune with no penalty.

  10. No medleys are allowed.

  11. Fiddle Contestants will perform a lively piece and a slow number.

  12. Novelty categories include spoons, hambone, washboard, saw, juice harp, etc., but no woodwinds.


  1. The first five finalists in junior and adult fiddle will compete with one tune of choice and no more than two accompaniments for the grand prize. Scores will not be combined from previous performance.

  2. The Fiddle Off prizes will be given after the featured band performance.

  1. Instrumental and singing events will be judged on:

  • A. Tuning, B. Timing, C. Selection, D. Presentation

  1. A. Timing, B. Approach and C. Difficulty

Print MCFC Convention Rules
Rules & Schedule
Contestant Information
Mountain City Fiddlers Convention
Mountain City Fiddlers Convention

Convention Competition Fee: $20 per category

Contestants can compete in as many categories as desired.
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